Thursday, February 13, 2014

Life Semi-Scripted...

After last years minor-life panic attack, which consisted of lots of carbs, wine, and mini-crying fits (in the shower, of course...) I realized something that I had never thought of in my entire life...

Life Takes Intention. 

Simple, Right?  Heck to the NO! Effort takes planning, efficient life skills, sleep and on and on...and last year, I honestly could barely get out of bed some days.  Keep in mind, I wasn't depressed or having self-hurting thoughts I was just seriously overwhelmed by the amount energy my life required and not dealing with it the way I needed too. 

Then I saw this...

Super simple, very to the point.  As Nike says... "Just do it"! 

Ever since then, life has run a little bit smoother, my eyes have depuffed a bit, and I found that joy again...

Even if your life isn't as rushed or crazy, making the cognitive effort to live with intention will allow things you complete or even start to be more fulfilling... Quit this mindlessness that blankets our society!  

A couple of key things I do daily (or mostly daily) now...

1. Look at a calendar, write something down. Then look at it the next day.  Even at 26 and forever living in a technological world, I am still a pencil and paper kind of gal. 

This is what mine looks like - oh, and I did a quick Inspiro board on the inside cover...

2. Surround yourself with inspiring thoughts and prayers...

I love following Good Morning Girls on Facebook.  They post the most wonderful - Biblical Inspired quotes and triumphs... If you follow me on Facebook you'll see one almost every morning. Here is another one of my favorites...

3. Keep things tidy.  Most days in the office are pretty chaos-filled. So when I get home I really need a peaceful space. Use that extra bit of energy to finish the dishes nightly, fold up that last load of laundry or to wipe down your bathroom. It is really worth it. The intention behind this is to have a day that starts and ends better. 

My "tidy" place is the kitchen.  After dinner, I try every night to clean it up.  That way in the morning I feel more inspired to make breakfast, instead of running out for some! Thus, staring my day in a more healthy way, then getting to work on time, not being rushed, and on and on... See how those little bit of effort could really change the course of your day?

Finally, Breathe... Everything will workout. God is good and most importantly, In Control. 

Where is your "Happy Place"?  Do you have any place in your house that has to be picked up and organized?


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