Thursday, January 3, 2013

Resolutions are for the birds...

Hi Everyone! Golly gosh so sorry for my absence! It has been one heck of a Holiday season... My families LOVE tradition and with so many of them, we barely get a chance to sit, relax and reflect. So instead of shooting off the New Year with resolutions and tried goals, I sat and reflected.  Here I am on January 3rd with a more conscience and clean mind... I typically don't make resolutions; I try to find a verse that really speaks to me and work on that aspect of my life.

Last year was James 1:19 "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."

Let me tell you, that one was HARD! With constant job changes, new friends, new family, new husband, new house, new LIFE... anxiety got the best of me many, many times... But I am happy to report, by the Christmas season, the Lord spoke into my heart so strongly, I managed to make it through worry free and fearless... He is so good, and does only for Good!

So this year, I thought I'd make some lifelong goals...

* Complete things.  My husband and I are going through the foster care licensing process at the moment...and it's challenging to get ALL of the necessities complete. Not to mention, I will be bringing Real Estate licensing next week! Life is hectic, but when you feel accomplished and successful, life becomes so much fuller!

* Time management - with a possible new house, oh yeah I didn’t say we were trying to buy a house either, oh and SELL our current one... I need to practice more time management, so more things can be accomplished and so my next goal becomes realistic.

*Give more time - more time to family, conversation, quiet times, house cleaning, my body, my mind... and it goes on and on.  I'm going to be 26 this year, and darn it, I should be able to do anything and everything I want and that is within His will...

* Respect my body- with healthy food, more relaxation and stress less moments, kind self-thoughts, and workouts. I want to play up my natural beauty and stop expecting perfection, loving my curves as much as my husband does, and realize that my body is the only thing I get to keep for the rest of my life.  It gave me my daughter, carries me though the day, and comforts my Husband.  It is my temple.

Resolutions shouldn’t be year-long…they should be lifelong…they make you a better person and that is all we can every be, just Better.
